About the Brand

?codes noirʖ Mission:

Our clothing company provides quality clothing with a unique style of overt clean lines for the urban-intellectual in mind.  We pride ourselves on serving the diversity of individuals. Our main goal is to deliver high-quality products at the best prices.

?codes noirʖ Vision:

In 2024, it will be a recognized enterprise at all levels in fashion, with a message to the people of expressive dualism and a brand that re-introduces simplicity in style, comfort and affordability.


Our values have to do with our reason for being and with the group of people to whom we address:

* Human warmth

* Expressive-dualism

* Letting people become the brand

* Integrity

* Honesty

* Responsibility

* History

* Knowledge

Our market:

1-The type of clothing: casualwear and sportswear?

2-Our Market is the diversity of Urban-Intellectual (Not Urban Gear); we thrive to serve all.